
Jake Landau
Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton
Sara Gottlieb

Ever wonder about the girl behind the iconic flex? That one in the red bandana? ROSIE the musical provides a new, original mythology for the iconic American riveter, one that will make the 40’s feel more relevant than ever.

Rosie, an out-of-the-box Brooklynite in 1942, must reckon her slogan-centric ideals of feminism with a world more real, diverse, and complex than she ever imagined. She will come to understand herself via the other women in her life: her sister, who finds empowerment in domesticity; her mother, familiar with the price of nonconformity; and her co-worker Betty, the black forewoman working at the factory by the time Rosie arrives. As the loving Barbershop Quartet narrating her life get conscripted one-by-one and replaced with militant women, Rosie must figure out how to balance compassion with ambition -- and how to represent every kind of woman.


Mimosa: The Disobedient Plant by Lauren Kahane and Danny Ursetti


Seven Steps Around the Fire by Harrison Lewis and Emielyn Das